unwanted gifts

Our Director had been informed last week that the head office sent thirteen computers for the administration division to the Region. Here they are – and our favorite brand. Unfortunately the guys at the government park in Windhoek didn’t think it through once more: no space, no power plugs let alone spare UPS units in …

Outapi Times, Issue Nr.2, February 2011 – print edition

Diesmal scheint die hiesige staatliche Post über das Ziel hinausgeschossen zu sein: Nach nur zwei Wochen sind die ersten Exemplare der gedruckten Outapi Times Nr.2 in der Schweiz und Deutschland eingetroffen. Rekord-verdächtig. Am Monatsende (nach dem Zahltag der Regierungsangstellen) muss man vermutlich gleich lange am Post-Schalter warten um eine Sendung aufzugeben. Wie alles andere an …

First things comes second: new alarm system at Anamulenge

Since the end of January I am living in my new house at Anamulenge, 4km outside of Outapi, on the premises of the Cheshire Home, a home for disabled children, and the hostel for the Canisianum RCHS private school. Besides that school the catholic church and mission can also be found at Anamulenge. As there …

Outapi vs. Tsandi

All right, all right. I had become lazy during the last months. Time to put the New Year’s eve resolutions to be a more active on the blog into practice. Although there is plenty to catch up with – some up to date news from the region – and the prove that Ben is still …

Outapi Times, Issue Nr.1, June 2010 – print edition

For this post and the linked PDF a translator or at least a German-English dictionary is highly recommended… Nein, kein grober Schnitzer der Redaktion: Die Juni Ausgabe (=Erstausgabe) der gedruckten OutapiTimes hat es anscheinend gerade noch so dieses Jahr zu den ‘Abonnenten’ nach Europa geschafft. Nicht nur der Regierungsapparat arbeitet oftmals im Schneckentempo – auch …