Sounds like a fairy tale but it’s not. One guy in the neighborhood has three kittens for two weeks or so. After backing out my buggy out of the garden this morning my neighbor Alex heard the meow of a cat under the car. A look down, nothing. -> 2.5km to the Ministry. Before lunch I heard the meow again in my office (car standing in front of our window). With two colleagues from the Ministry I checked the car, nothing. -> 2.5km back to my house. Switching off the engine – the meow again. Another look and I finally saw the little buddy sitting on the suspension. But at least it had company on the trip -> took me and Alex 15 minutes to get the TWO kittens out of the engine by crawling under the buggy.
April 30, 2010 at 7:56 pm – the story goes on
Due to the darkness and thousands of bloodsuckers coming out of the grass I had to stop my rescue efforts for the THIRD cat (or another one getting into the engine last night) – and have to spend the night in Outapi.
Hallo Benjamin Vielen Dank für deine lieben Grüsse, die von deinen Eltern überbracht wurden. Wir hatten ein schönes Fest bis in den Morgen hinein und sind, dem Alter entsprechend ;-), noch immer nicht ganz fit. Deine website ist wunderschön aufgebaut und enthält so schöne Bilder. Alles Gute und liebe Grüsse
Wilfried und Rinske